Our Stall Holders
- All Stallholders
- Art, Prints and Photography
- Body Products and Candles
- Books, Cards, Stationary, Craft Supplies
- Child Activities
- Child gifts - dolls, bears, toys, memorabilia
- Clothing - Adult
- Clothing - bags, shoes and fashion accessories
- Clothing - Child/baby
- Flowers
- Food/Drinks - At the Markets
- Food/Drinks - To Take Home
- Gifts/Homeware - manchester, haberdashery, sewn goods
- Gifts/Homeware - pottery, glassware, timber, craft
- Jewellery
- Outdoor/Garden Goods
- Pet Supplies
- Plants
- Second Hand Goods
- Other
That Handmade Peace
Robin Sumskis
0425 297 895; Handmade craft, aprons, hand towels, bags, coathangers, heat bags, door stops, washers
Pretty Little Stitches
Christine Morecroft
0448 580877
Creative Gifts for Kids
Dena Ashton
0481 961 113; Pencil bags, pencil wallets, diary covers, crochet beanies